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Membership Benefits.

1.  Educational Conferences, Seminars, and Workshops: 

Educational conferences as well as professional development seminars and workshops provide quality education and networking for Korean American nurses. You receive a SIGNIFICANT discount by being a member.  You can contribute to the content, help plan conferences, seminars, and/or workshops or attend to enhance your professional development.

2.  Networking:

You have many opportunities to network with nurses and other healthcare providers within Southern California as well as on a national and international level.  You can build your contacts, share ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance your current job, find opportunities for career enhancement, etc. Networking events range from Annual Conferences to regional and international meetings. 

3.  Leadership Opportunities:

You are provided opportunities to learn and practice leadership and meeting management skills that you may need for your resume, professional growth or self-promotion.  Opportunities are available as KANASC staff, on the Board,  as well as committees and special projects.

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